RicNic back for 18th Birthday Year
RicNic is back with a full programme for 2022 and will be celebrating our 18th birthday this year!
The past few years have seen a lot of change across the theatre industry and the same is true for RicNic. Although we may not have been able to bring you all the opportunities and productions we had hoped for, we have been working behind the scenes to develop new programmes, open in more locations and have a full programme ready to launch for this year.
RicNic started back in 2004 in Winchester, Hampshire and has slowly grown over the years, reaching more locations and bringing us in to contact with thousands of talented young people. We are so proud to do what we do and so grateful to all those former RicNiccers who continue to support us.
We are really excited for what the next year (and beyond) has in store and cannot wait to share it with you all.
As with all charities emerging from the pandemic, we rely heavily on your support to keep us going. If you are in a position to be able to donate, would like to support us as a volunteer or contribute to our alumni memory bank please visit the SUPPORT US page to find out more.